What Jingles Your Bells? β€’ Ep 12 - Santa Pat

• Runtime: 00:27:34 • Download

Jonathan and Marty chat with a very special mall Santa.

Tags: christmassantamall santaparity

Do You Sweat The Small Stuff? β€’ Ep 29 - Terry Withers

• Runtime: 00:32:55 • Download

Jonathan and Marty sit down with scientist Terry Withers to discuss his research into human sweat. The team answers audience advice questions.

Tags: sweathumansrestingexercise

How Do You Kick It Old School? β€’ Ep 256 - William Winkle

• Runtime: 00:33:18 • Download

Jonathan and Marty go even more old school than usual with guest William Winkle, whose memories extend back to WW I.

Tags: schoolingbowtiesmarriagedivorceWWI

Do You Care Enough To Share? β€’ Ep 72- LeeAnn of P.E.T.I.

• Runtime: 00:33:15 • Download

Jonathan and Marty chat with LeeAnn of PETI about her mission to make humans more tolerant of our friends with more than 4 legs. A question from listener Alex B leads to sharing disappointing ride-share stories.

Tags: PETIecosystemco-livinginsectsspiders

What's In Your Kitchen Cabinet? β€’ Ep 34 - Alphonse Gauge

• Runtime: 00:29:37 • Download

Jonathan and Maggie talk finance and computers with Alphonse Gauge, an incoming cabinet member for Baltimore's Mayor-Elect.

Tags: mayoral cabinetpoliticsfinanceinternetbitcoin

What Are You Thankful For? β€’ Ep 83 - Blue and Paul

• Runtime: 00:30:29 • Download

Jonathan and Marty sit down with long-time married couple Blue and Paul to talk about how gratitude makes things work for them.

Tags: marriagefamilythanksgiving season

Is That in Good Taste? β€’ Ep 22 - Tablespoon Packs

• Runtime: 00:31:28 • Download

AJ and Marty sit down and face off with Kurt Piper, the self-styled "inventor" of Tablespoon Packs.

Tags: Kurt PiperTSPtablespoon packscorporate shillbig snack money

Why Not Go Out On A Limb? β€’ Ep 55 - Adrian Pineman

• Runtime: 00:30:40 • Download

Jonathan and Marty bring on a new collaborator to kick the Oakley 2 build into gear.

Tags: Adrian Pinemanstructural engineeringconcretecementOakley 2

How Do You Get Rid of It? β€’ Ep 123 - Shelley Forthwright

• Runtime: 00:35:24 • Download

Happy Halloween, Evacuators everywhere! This week, Jonathan and Marty learn about spiritual cleansing with taxidermist and ghost removal expert Shelley Forthwright.

Tags: HalloweenShelly Forthwrightghost removalshelve it or shove itcorrections corner

How's That Working Out for You? β€’ Ep 41 - Pirates

• Runtime: 00:19:51 • Download

Jonathan and Marty begin new lives aboard a pirate ship.

Tags: season 4piratesboatingjobs

How Do You Keep it Running? β€’ Ep 117 - Stuart Smeck

• Runtime: 00:32:54 • Download

Jonathan and Marty chat with Stuart Smeck about his fledgling driving school operation. Stuart answers trivia about his own business in Too Many Books to Cook.

Tags: Stuart Smeckjust4udrivingschool.edu/drivingDriving SchoolToo Many Books to Cook

Will There Be an Intermission? β€’ Ep 82 - Marsha the Movie Bartender

• Runtime: 00:31:13 • Download

After recounting their assignments from last week, Jonathan and Marty sit down with Marsha, their favorite movie theater bartender, to talk about her trade. Marsha adds scenes to turn your movie suggestions into RomComs.

Tags: bartendingromantic comediesromcom

How Do You Make It Work? β€’ Ep 111 - Procrastination w/ Bailey Tericote

• Runtime: 00:30:36 • Download

Jonathan and Marty chat with Bailey Tericote about his advice for dealing with too much work. Bailey answers some of your questions.

Tags: productivityprocrastinationfunthird eyeBailey Tericote

How Do You Mix Things Up? β€’ Ep 10 - Baby Puddles

• Runtime: 00:29:06 • Download

Jonathan and Marty chat with Callie about her unique daycare service and the joys and challenges that it presents.

Tags: babiespugsBaby Puddlesdaycarepeople food'puppy foodpeople bathroomspuppy bathrooms

How Do You Connect the Dots? β€’ Ep 43 - Des Moines BATT

• Runtime: 00:25:42 • Download

Jonathan and Marty interview Pam and Tabitha, evidence specialists for the Des Moines, IA police department.

Tags: evidencemanagementscrapbookingdecoupage

How Do You Occupy Your Time? β€’ Ep 44 - Cousin Jason

• Runtime: 00:30:48 • Download

Jonathan and Marty sit down with Jonathan's cousin Jason to learn what he is juggling these days.

Tags: Jasonhairhockeyrapchildrennon-profitdadding

Would You Give it a Second Chance? β€’ Ep 70 - Adjunct Teaching

• Runtime: 00:26:16 • Download

After winning a coin flip, Jonathan interviews Marty about his time teaching, and whether he would do it again.

Tags: teachingadjunct teachingtechnology3d printing

How Was Your First Time? β€’ Ep 70 - First Days of Teaching

• Runtime: 00:26:42 • Download

After winning a coin flip, Marty interviews Jonathan about his first time teaching, and other school-related firsts.

Tags: teachingteaching assistanttechnologycrew

What Kind of Drugs Were You Doing? β€’ Ep 654 - Rudyard's Edibles

• Runtime: 00:23:27 • Download

In their first ever live show, Jonathan and Marty chat with Rudyard Smith about the edibles business.

Tags: Rudyard Smithediblessurvival gearedible survival gearbusiness

What's Your Con? β€’ Ep 21 - Otakon 2016

• Runtime: 00:38:42 • Download

Jonathan and Marty split up to take on the final Otakon in Baltimore (before it moves to D.C.) and Walker Stalker Con in Philadelphia.

Tags: otakonbaltimore2016walker stalker conphiladelphiacosplaydealers room

Are You Gonna Eat That? β€’ Ep 35 - Meredith Stone

• Runtime: 00:30:03 • Download

Jonathan and Marty interview Meredith Stone, a provider of raw diet planning services.

Tags: raw dietservicesinterviewnon-vegetariannon-veganfor dogs

Will You Come Sail Away with Me? β€’ Ep 24 - Nikki von Scheetz

• Runtime: 00:28:21 • Download

Jonathan and Marty interview Nikki von Scheetz about the ways she brings energy to the cruises aboard the Baltimore Soul.

Tags: Baltimore SoulInner HarborcruiseBlues Cruisedancingmusicdrink specials

What Wheel You See? β€’ Ep 6 - Artscape Ferris Wheel

• Runtime: 00:22:49 • Download

Jonathan and Marty split up to interview their friends Kim (who is afraid of Ferris Wheels) and Gillian (who is not afraid of Ferris Wheels) and chat about the annual Artscape festival going on in Baltimore, MD.

Tags: artscapeBaltimoreferris wheel

Why Get Out of Bed? β€’ Ep 1148 - Y2K Celebration

• Runtime: 00:31:12 • Download

Jonathan and Marty interview Gomez Oppenheimer about the upcoming celebration and historical recreation of the Earth year 2000.

Tags: upcoming eventsYear 2000Y2K3rd Milleniumcelebrationrehydrated food

Where Does Your Money Go? β€’ Ep 69 - 4-Play University College of Knowledge

• Runtime: 00:28:54 • Download

Jonathan and Marty are on the road, paying a visit to Jacq and Prescott, hosts of the 4-Play sex and comedy podcast and prolific writers of academic research grants.

Tags: 4-Playrenewable energyhuman factorsmoodIRBsex educationalexander technique